
About Pack 566

Pack Meetings

Den Meetings

Field Trips

Overnight Trips

Info/Join Us!

We have fun in Cub Scouts!

Cub Scout Pack 566
Saratoga, Cupertino, and surrounding areas California

Over 40 Years of Excellence in Scouting

Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 566
Boys and Girls, Grades K-5 (566 has older programs through age 21)

This is our backup website.

Unfortunately, our Webhosting company, Scoutlander gets overwelmed at times especially at the end or beggining of the school year.
Normally, our website can be found at pack566.org or join566.org

Pack 566 About Page

The Pack flyer explains our program in detail:

First, some Cub Scout Vocabulary!

"A Lion" is a kindergarten aged cub scout.
"A Tiger" is a first grade aged cub scout.
"A Wolf" is a second grade aged cub scout.
"A Bear" is a third grade aged cub scout
"A Webelos" is a a 4th grade aged cub scout.
"A Arrow of Light" is a 5th grade aged cub scout. In spring they will join are older 566 Troops.
"The Den" is a group of 4 to 16 boys and girls all of the same grade level. There may be more than one den per grade level.
"The Pack" is all the dens together with their families.
"An adult partner" is a parent of a Lion or Tiger cub scout who participates with their son in the program.
"A Den Guide" is an experience leader who is available to advise the den.
"The Cubmaster" is the adult in charge of the Pack.
"The Den Leader" is an adult in charge of a particular Den.
"The Den Chief" is an older Boy Scout (age 11-18) who comes back to Cub Scouting to assist a Den.
"The Denner" is a Cub Scout who helps lead his own den.
"The Committee" is a group of parents who help make policy for the Pack.
"Zero" is the quantity of paid leadership in our Pack. We lead because we see the value of the program.

About the Cubmaster

Mike and Teresa Lorenzen are acting as Cubmasters until we refill the role. Both have over 28 years experience in 566 so no problems until filled. There three sons were in Pack 566 from 1996 through 2013 and all became Eagle Scouts in Troop 566. They stayed behind to help pack 566 next generations.

About the Commitee Chairman

Mike is the Commitee Chairman. Mike was a den leader in the pack,a strong partipant, and also assitant Scoutmaster for 2 years, then served for over a dozen years as Scoutmaster of Troop 566.

What kind of Technology does the Pack use?

We use WhatsApp (2nd most popular APP in the world) for primary communications.
We have a public website (See Pack566.org "public site" link).
We use PackMaster, the top of the line Pack Management software, to track members, awards, rank earned, and all the related needs (still beter than Scoutbook).
We also use good, old fashioned technology, namely access to the experience of the previous four Cubmasters covering the last 25+ years.

How do we make the group safe?

Background checks have been completed by the National Boy Scout Organization on all registered adult leaders. All meetings will have 2 registered leaders present. Leaders must complete training and periodic re-trainings in youth protection. Top leadership takes aditional training in weather, first aid, camping, and more. California now also requires are volunetters to take 2 hours of California Training, get fingerprinted and the states also performs their own backgrouind check.
We ask each of our attending parents to take a free, on-line, 76 minute training on youth protection to keep our kids safe. Our parent committee reviews policy and procedures. We subscribe to the national insurance offered by the Boy Scouts. We have the strictest Covid19 pratices in the area.